Thank you Suzanne Webb MP for your continued support in our fight for justice.
Some Jury verdicts defy belief, especially an Acquittal that is a 'perverse verdict'. This is where a person is acquitted, against all the evidence presented, pointing to their guilt?
Following the unimaginable acquittal Jury verdict, we witnessed in court, we were not offered any appropriate support after our trial.
We were left to fight for Justice for Ryan on our own. It didn't seem to matter to our relevant authorities just how a devastating acquittal verdict adds to the already unbearable loss, the sense of injustice, as well as the subsequent feeling of isolation at being thrown into a 'legal no man's land' This cannot be right?
A perverse acquittal verdict for a bereaved family, is a ‘double trauma’ and more needs to be done to support victims and families following the trial.